Banned From Repeaterbook

Your account at has been temporarily suspended due to unusual export activity. We are seeing multiple CSV exports occurring from multiple IP addresses less than a second apart. This could only be accomplished by some sort of bot. This puts a substantial strain on the server resources.

And just like that, a week after going live with dzcb building codeplugs in the cloud, my “unusual” actvity on the prox/csv endpoint was discovered and shut down. The dzcb code has been using this non-public Repeaterbook endpoint for several months, but it wasn’t until Github Actions started downloading 18 different proximity search exports for every push/pull request/release that it overloaded the Repeaterbook servers enough to draw attention.

Upon receiving this email at 7:37 am local time, I promptly removed my credentials from all related Github Actions builds and pushed an updated version of dzcb that printed an error message, but otherwise didn’t attempt to download anything from the site.

It was never my intention to DoS Repeaterbook, it’s a very valuable resource that every operator I know has used at some point…and they don’t upcharge or have a tiered subscription model.

At the bottom of the email, Garrett suggested

You may want to investigate the use of our API if you need data for some sort of project.

So why wasn’t I using the API to begin with? While most data was available in the API response, the geo coordinates of the machines notably were NOT available in the response. Since I wanted to construct codeplug zones with analog repeaters sorted by distance from a point of interest, coordinates were a baseline requirement.

Although the prox/csv export endpoint that I had been hitting required authentication and also didn’t return coordinates, I could rely on the query to return a CSV of repeaters already sorted by distance. The only wrinkle was having to authenticate as a browser would: scraping HTML, submitting a form, and snagging a cookie. Nothing too hard, but definitely a weak point in the program as the HTML and field names could change at will with no expectation of stability. At the time I didn’t see an easy way around this problem, and it certainly made my project less approachable for users who needed to register with Repeaterbook and pass their own credentials in to access the information. Read: more friction!

So, I finally decided to do what a sensible person would in this situation: I asked for what I needed.

I would prefer to use the API, but it doesn’t appear to return lan/long coordinates for US/Canada repeaters, so I couldn’t figure out how to simulate the Repeaterbook proximity search endpoint (which is why I was relying on the export CSV interface).

If you have any ideas on recreating proximity search using the API, I’d appreciate it.

And less than 9 hours after my initial suspension notification, Garrett had gone out of his way to implement Lat/Long fields in the API response!

I have added lat and long to the api. Please give it a try and let me know.

I was blown away at both the turnaround time and Garrett’s willingness to work with me after abusing his endpoints and straining his server resources. All the while, he was polite about it and very straightforward. Back in November, I exchanged emails with him regarding dzcb and distribution of generated codeplugs based on Repeaterbook data and his willingness to work with and interoperate with community projects is really excellent. I have no shortage of good things to say about Repeaterbook and its administrator.

About a day later, I had the time to replace all of dzcb’s existing Repeaterbook code with a new implementation that used the official API and local distance calculation with geopy, while retaining feature parity with the previous version. I also took the opportunity to clean up the Repeaterbook proximity input CSV: adding field names and symbolic names for the bands ("2m" and "70cm" instead of 14 and 4). Additionally the new implementation doesn’t require login, so it’s easier for new users to get started with dzcb and less likely to break in the fragile web scraping code.

To further respect the Repeaterbook servers, I implemented a “user-specific” cache of the API response that will be reused for 12.1 hours instead of redownloading the data for every invocation. For the cloud builds, I’m leveraging Github Actions actions/cache to save the API response on a per-project basis to reduce strain the Repeaterbook servers. At this time, the raw API responses are shared between codeplug input directories and are not cached in the codeplug output directory/zip.

After some additional testing, I’m pleased to announce the release of dzcb 0.2.4, which has been integrated into the mycodeplug/example-codeplug project and ready for immediate use.

Thank you to Garrett for implementing the Lat/Long API response and Venkat (@hillsboro for encouragement and testing.

Written on February 7, 2021

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