The Raspberry Pi is a versatile tool for amateur radio operators due to its small size,
low power requirements, and exposed GPIO / serial pins. Unfortunately many of the
tutorials available online need minor tweaks for
the 2022-04-04 release of Raspberry Pi OS,
so I’ve attempted to collect an abbreviated walkthrough for configuring a Pi 4
with direwolf sound modem, YAAC for APRS, pat for winlink, and fldigi for other
digital modes.
Base OS Image
This guide is using the 2022-04-04 release of Raspberry Pi OS, 32-bit (so it would also work on a Pi Zero):
- Download the img
- Write the img file to a NEW SD Card
Headless Setup
Headless setup was simpler in previous releases, but the 2022-04-04 release no longer
includes the default pi
See this page
for more information (particularly the “Headless Setup” section).
After verifying the image, mount the boot
partition on a PC. The setup works by
creating certain files in the boot
partition that are handled specially when the
Pi is booting.
After creating the files below, unmount the boot
partition and insert the card into
the Pi.
Enable headless (no display / keyboard) setup by creating a blank file named ssh
in the
touch /mnt/boot/ssh
The userconf
file contains the username and encrypted password of the default user.
To create the encrypted password, use the command:
echo 'mypassword' | openssl passwd -stdin
The userconf
file should look something like
is the user that will be created. The encrypted password will be different each
time because it uses a salt to avoid reverse lookup (rainbow) tables.
I typically connect via wired ethernet, but if you depend on wireless connectivity,
create a file called wpa_supplicant.conf
that provides details and key for the
desired wifi network.
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
psk="put the secret key here"
Initial Configuration
Determine the Pi’s IP address by looking at your router configuration, or (maybe)
ping raspberrypi
, and connect to it.
Update all Packages
This ensures that any patches since the OS image was released are applied before installing any further software.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
Remote Graphical Desktop
Raspberry Pi OS includes
a VNC server
that can be enabled in raspi-config
> 3. Interface Options > VNC.
VNC viewer applications are available for most platforms.
Install xrdp
Alternatively, xrdp
allows remote desktop access using tools commonly found preinstalled
on Windows and Linux.
sudo apt-get install -y xrdp
Unfortunately the package is broken out of the box on recent releases, but isn’t too hard to fix.
Edit /etc/X11/xrdp/xorg.conf
, and change the existing line to remove the DRMDevice
Option "DRMDevice" "/dev/dri/renderD128"
Option "DRMDevice" ""
Enable the Service
sudo systemctl enable xrdp
sudo systemctl reboot
Install direwolf
Steps taken from the repo README
sudo apt-get install -y git gcc g++ make cmake libasound2-dev libudev-dev
cd ~
git clone
cd direwolf
# to install pre-release version, checkout `dev` branch (bugs may exist)
# git checkout dev
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
sudo make install
make install-conf
Edit Launcher
Edit /usr/share/applications/direwolf.desktop
Add a -p
to the Exec
line to create a pty for kissattach
(pat) to use.
Direwolf configuration varies widely, either GPIO or CM108 style PTT is recommended.
Either ~/direwolf.conf
or /etc/direwolf.conf
is recommended.
Install fldigi
sudo apt-get install -y fldigi
Broken gpio
To get flrig/fldigi to use the raspi GPIO pins, ensure the following
script exists at /usr/bin/gpio
(and make it executable! chmod a+x /usr/bin/gpio
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Alias for old gpio binary for use with
# fldigi GPIO PTT under RaspiOS Bullseye.
# gpio was from the wiringpi package, which
# is not available in RaspiOS Bullseye.
# User running this script must be root
# or a member of the gpio group.
# Requires 2 arguments:
# $1 : export|unexport
# $2 : BCM GPIO number
case $2 in
case $1 in
echo $2 >/sys/class/gpio/export
sleep 0.1
echo "out" >/sys/class/gpio/gpio${2}/direction
echo $2 >/sys/class/gpio/unexport
exit 1
exit 1
exit 0
Install YAAC
YAAC is a cross-platform java-based APRS client that provides advanced features.
apt-get install default-jre
Extract the file
In this guide, I suggest extracting YAAC to ~/code/YAAC
, but if
you’re using a different user, or would prefer a different location,
adjust the paths in the .desktop file accordingly.
mkdir -p ~/code/YAAC
cd ~/code/YAAC
unzip ~/Downloads/
Create a desktop entry
(replace path to YAAC.jar
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Yet Another APRS client
Exec=/usr/bin/java -jar /home/johndoe/code/YAAC/YAAC.jar
Keywords=Ham Radio;APRS;KISS;AGWPE;AX.25
Install pat
Download the armhf (raspbery pi) package for the latest release at
Install the package directly:
dpkg -i ~/Downloads/pat_0.12.1_linux_armhf.deb
IMPORTANT: Hold the package, so it doesn’t update unexpectedly:
apt-mark hold pat
Some repos, like ubuntu have renamed pat
to pat-winlink
and made other modifications
that might differ from the official docs.
Install ax25 stack
Use pat
with a TNC requires ax25 support packages and a small bit of configuration.
apt-get install libax25 ax25-tools
For additional programs used in connected mode packet, like axlisten
and axcall
, also
install the ax25-apps
apt-get install ax25-apps
Create the port
Edit /etc/ax25/axports
to add the following line:
wl2k N0CALL 1200 255 2 pat winlink
In this line, replace N0CALL
with your actual callsign.
Two other values in the port definition may need some adjustment based on the situation.
in the example is thepaclen
or MTU and controls the packet size. For noisy or distant connections a lower number (128
) may improve reception in exchange for slower potential transfer speed. (Although if the link is poor, retransmissions of larger MTU packets will decimate the throughput).2
in the example is thewindow
size, or maximum number of outstanding packets. Larger numbers allow more unacknowledged data to be sent and may improve performance on high quality channels. Smaller numbers can improve reliability in sub-optimal conditions.
See man axports(5)
more information
Create support scripts
#!/usr/bin/env bash
kissattach -m ${PACLEN:-255} $(readlink /tmp/kisstnc) ${AXPORT:-wl2k} \
&& kissparms -c 1 -p ${AXPORT:-wl2k}
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sudo /usr/bin/
/usr/bin/pat http "$@"
After creating the scripts, make them executable:
chmod a+x /usr/bin/ /usr/bin/
(Optional) Add /usr/bin/
to /etc/sudoers
file to avoid password prompt.
johndoe ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/
Create the desktop entry
[Desktop Entry]
Name=pat winlink HTTP server
Comment=web-based winlink client
Exec=/usr/bin/lxterminal /usr/bin/
Keywords=Ham Radio;APRS;KISS;AGWPE;AX.25;Winlink
Configure pat
Before pat will start up, run pat configure
, and complete the steps.
Ready to Go
The system should be in good shape for manual-start packet use.
Configuring systemd units to run these programs on startup may be covered in the future.