Maybe you’re looking for next week’s or last week’s newsletter?
Recap 🔁
- 05/24 Wed LCARA Technical Meeting [Minutes]
- 05/31 Wed LCARA 5th Wednesday Potluck
Upcoming Events 🗓
- 06/07 Wed 19:00 Cowlitz County ACS Meeting as LCARA Clubhouse
- 06/10 Sat - Sun ARRL VHF Contest
Next Week
- [TENTATIVE] 06/14 Wed 19:00 LCARA Presentation Night: WSPR Beacons
Later This Month
- 06/17 Sat Tour de Blast Bike Race [ACS]
- 06/24 Wed 19:00 LCARA Business Meeting at LCARA Clubhouse
Amateur Radio Field Day - Jun 24
LCARA is celebrating its 75th Anniversary this year with a Field Day barbeque and operating station at Willow Grove park. The event is scheduled to start at 11:00a with camping available on-site for pre-registered club members.
Nets ✅
- 06/05 Mon 2000: Cowlitz County ACS Net - Open to all Amateurs
- 06/06 Tue 0900: CEMNET Region IV Net - Winlink, V-Tac 12, 224.660 MHz (EOC)
- Email to be added to the weekly Winlink test
- 06/06 Tue 2000: Rainier GMRS Net - Open to all licensed GMRS operators
- 06/11 Sun 2000: W7MSH Mercury Mt. St. Helens ERC Net - Open to all Amateurs
- 2000 Woodland Checkin W7DG 147.300 MHz T114 +060
- 2015 Roundtable W7DG 147.260 MHz T114 +060
Radio Waves and the Ionosphere
Brian KJ7OX shares an article on the ARRL web page written by G3YWX, which describes the earth’s atmospheric layers and how HF radio waves propagate via these layers.
For Sale 💸
RFConnectors Adapter Kits
Contact me, KF7HVM, for further information on the connector kits.
Retail new from $900 - $1300. [Spec Sheet]
Asking $400 or best offer for Partial set shown below.
Retail new from $175. [Spec Sheet]
Asking $100 for complete set.
Thanks for reading.
Kindly send any comments, corrections, events, pictures, stories, or content for this newsletter to
Consider joining the LCARA W7DG Facebook Group.